First company with products certified in the “Carbon Footprint Reduction” program

Created in 2000, Union Agener Animal Health is a young exponent of the national market that stands out for its high growth rates. With a philosophy of investment in technology and qualification of its team, this division produces veterinary medicines with the same quality standards as human medicines, maintaining the pharmaceutical tradition consolidated over seven decades by União Química.

Agener operates in three business segments: the Pet Line, focused on medicines for dogs and cats, the Large Animal Line, with medicines for production animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses and the Tecnopec Line, innovative products in the area of animal reproduction.

About the Carbon Footprint Reducer Certification

The goal is to certify products that are proven to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in animal production.

rBST and Sustainability

Through a notable increase in milk production efficiency, the incorporation of rBST has the potential to mitigate environmental impact.

If used on 15% of the 10 million dairy cows, the adoption of rBST could result in:

The equivalent of removing approximately 390 thousand cars from circulation each year, or planting approximately 290 million trees anually.

The environmental gains produced on 540 thousand hectares of agricultural land.

A reduction in fossil fuel consumption enough to heat up more than 15,000 homes.

The reduction in the consumption of sufficient water to supply around 10,000 homes.

When consuming cows milk supplemented with rBST, a family of 4, drinking 3 glasses of 200 ml of milk per day, would increase carbon sequestration by 156 kg, which is equivalent to planting 25 trees anually.

Contact and Social Media

Phone: +1 884-952-0331

Union Agener – Augusta, Geórgia
1788 Lovers Ln, Augusta
GA 30901 – United States of America